Welcome to Lamrin Tech Skills University Punjab, Ropar

Registrar Message

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Dr. Rajiv Mahajan


Lamrin Tech Skills University Punjab

Skill Education in India has undergone a paradigm shift in the last few years. The Skills Universities provide new choice of a career which not only empowers young minds to take up not only social causes but also the opportunities present in a growing globalized world for employment, entrepreneurship, and skill-based research. Skill Education faces major challenges: to measure up to the huge expectations of the younger generation and to design contemporary curriculum for preparing Engineers/ Managers/Scientists/Entrepreneurs/Officers for emerging challenges. All these challenges to compete internationally are not insurmountable. What is required is a clear vision and most importantly a belief that it could be achieved. Within in a short span of two years, the university has blossomed into a multifaceted center of higher learning for promotion of higher and Skill education through the centers of Center of Vocational Training (CoVT), Center of Specialized Training (CoST) and Center of Excellence (CoE).

With the main objective of furthering the cause of Skill Education and with visionary planning and dynamism of Hon'ble Chancellor, we foresee the University to steadily grow into a leading multi-disciplinary center for advanced learning in Skilling, re skilling and up killing. Our prime focus is on 360-degree transformation of students and other stakeholders with the active support of Industry Partners. We make every effort to shape them into responsible citizens through imparting quality education and inculcating moral values. Our earnest objective is to provide quality service to current and future students as well as faculty and staff with the philosophy "Skill, Scale and Speed."
The core curriculum at University is designed to equip students with the skills and knowledge they need to thrive in today's fast-paced and ever-changing world. Every student has the chance to develop a heterogeneous all-round personality by providing versatile engagement opportunities that will be in line with the University's mission "Class Education and Skilling for Masses."

With a strong emphasis on practical training, OJT and problem-solving, students are not only prepared for the challenges of the workforce, but they are also imparted the techniques and known-how to excel in their chosen field. The University is committed to providing its students with the best possible education and preparing them to become successful professionals and leaders in their respective fields.

As the Registrar of the university, I assure you that we uphold high standards of quality education, student-centric approach, and a supportive learning environment. We are committed to shaping well-rounded individuals who are equipped to make a positive impact in their chosen fields and contribute meaningfully to society with noble causes.

On behalf of the University, I extend my warmest welcome to all students and individuals who wish to get engaged with us. We look forward to welcoming you in a beautiful campus spread at 100 acres of land on the foothills of Shivaliks of Himalayas and near the banks of river Satluj of Punjab.
Best wishes to the entire LTSU team.