Lamrin has been recognised as a University “of” the industry, “for” the industry, and “by” the industry. Partnering with global tech giants to structure the curriculum, making students industry-ready by training in skill-based courses, mentored by leading industry experts and academicians, Lamrin aims at making India a leader in the skill-based workforce supply chain worldwide.
On the occasion of ‘World Youth Skills Day’ on 15 th July 2024, Lamrin Tech Skills University, Punjab, is organizing a master class with Dr. Pratap Sriram Sundar Academic Director (MIGM, PLIIM) Adjunct
Professor of Operations Management, Indian School of Business (ISB), a distinguished expert in the field of education. The session will provide valuable insights to make learning more engaging and enriching forstudents. Join the following link at 10:30 am for a truly enriching experience.